Shop 1893 is celebrating its third anniversary with a month-long Customer Appreciation Sale throughout July. Since the summer of 2021, the unique downtown resale shop, located inside the Price Center, has become a destination attraction for a whole new audience to the Center. The increased exposure has helped generate more awareness and revenue for the non-profit community center’s overall operation. As a gesture of thanks, the Shop offers all Price Center* (PC) marked merchandise at 25% off throughout July. (Some merchandise is as much as 50% -- 75% Off.) The Shop will also be serving cookies and punch every Saturday for the month as part of the celebration.
In addition, several of the Shop’s 3-dozen individual vendors are also offering discounts in their booths for the month.
“The Shop has become an integral part of our overall operation,” said Clay DeStefano, executive director. “In addition to inviting the community to the Center literally through our backdoor, Shop 1893 serves as an ongoing and sustainable fundraiser for the Center and adds a nice little side income for our vendors,” he added.

The effort expanded last year with the 1893 Flea, a monthly market that takes place inside and outside the Center on the second Saturday of each month. The Flea celebrated its first anniversary earlier this month.
For more information, please call 512-392-2900, stop by the Center at 222 W. San Antonio St., or visit or Facebook @ Price Center & Garden or Instagram @smtxpricecenter