Center Celebrating Mermaid SMTX in a Variety of Ways

Beginning with separate costume-making and crown-making workshops, the Price Center will offer a variety of programs and activities as part of the inaugural Mermaid Week SMTX festivities. On Sept.2, the Center will team up with the San Marcos River Foundation to offer a workshop on making endangered species costumes for the Mermaid Parade. On the 6th, which is also International Mermaid Day, the Center will host the Mermaid Society for a Mermaid Crown Making workshop and on the 11th three separate Mermaid inspired activities, along with its new weekly brunch buffet will be featured.
The Costume Workshop will take place Sept. 2 in the Center’s Multi-Purpose Room from 6-9 p.m. Dianne Wassenich will lead the free workshop and provide participants with ideas, examples and materials to create easy, and affordable DIY costumes depicting endangered species from the San Marcos River. The Mermaid Crown Making Workshop will take place from 6 – 9 p.m. on Sept. 6. Skilled creatives and novices will create one-of-a-kind headdresses for upcoming festivities, including the Mermaid Ball, Parade and SPLASH Festival. Cost is FREE but reservation is required. This is a potluck event. Those participating must bring their own materials to make their own headdress. To RSVP email at
On Sept. 11 a mermaid-inspired menu and mermaid artwork will be part of the new Sunday Brunch Buffet being served in the Tea Room from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Reservations are required.
In addition, The San Marcos Cinema Club will present a series of events that day beginning a 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. showing of “Aquarena Springs and Ralph the Swimming Pig” the documentary of a true Texas treasure. The magic of Aquarena Springs will also come to life with Q&A following the showing.
Then, from 3 p.m. -5 p.m., “I Have Heard the Mermaids Singing: Water Girls in Myth, Legend, and Lore” will be presented by Katie Kapurch, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of English at Texas State University. Why does the mermaid appear across cultures and times—and why does she still fascinate us today? Is she always a benevolent savior of the drowning—or is there a dark side to these fishy girls and women? And what is it about the mermaid that makes her the perfect patron for our town? Dr. Kapurch’s multimedia talk will begin to answer these questions with a sampling of globally diverse merfolk stories that will make you pause in wonderment the next time you gaze—or plunge—into the San Marcos River.
Lastly, from 5 p.m. -7 p.m. “Women of the Water” will provide a rare glimpse into the vast knowledge & experiences of indigenous women & their relationship with water, from the Mi’kmaq of Canada to the Yaqui of Arizona to the Achuar of the Amazon Rainforest in Ecuador. This empowering documentary offers insight into the power of water -- from our universal dependence on it as a source of life & healing to its intimate connection with the feminine. The women of the water seek to guard & preserve this invaluable knowledge so that it can continue to flow as a living stream & be accessible for the women of today. Filmmaker Tahila Xicahuamazatl Mintz will accompany the documentary-in-progress.
Seating for each of the Cinema Club events is limited to 100. For more information about these events check out
The Price Center will also be out and about on Sept. 17, in the Mermaid Parade and afterwards at the Mermaid SPLASH Festival selling raffle tickets for chances to win the specially created quilt titled “After the Storm.” The unique group quilt was inspired by the Memorial Weekend Floods of 2015 and created by Bee Friends a local bee. It depicts the inspiring image of the dawn of new day over the water and the piece also features two “hidden” mermaids within its quilting. The winner of the quilt will be announced from the stage. Proceeds from the raffle will benefit the Price Center.
For more information or to make a reservation, please call (512) 392-2900. Stop by the Price Center at 222 W. San Antonio St., Mon. – Fri., 9-5 p.m.