Long time Professor of Psychology at Texas State University knows a good thing when she sees (and ex

Sheila Fling recently posted a comment on the Price Center & Tea Room Facebook page sharing her insights and experiences at the Price Center.
“The history is thrilling; Ron has done handsome wood work to match the period. He and Marie are so dedicated & always so graciously welcoming. I’ve delighted in the great variety of events in the elegant auditorium, e.g. Spring Lake Garden Club annual luncheon, recitals, musicals, a contest for TV reality show, etc.
I dream of presenting a Japanese tea ceremony in the smaller antique “chapel.” The upstairs work/game room is bright and convenient with so many cabinets for club’s storage for crafts, bridge, etc. The lunch room has lovely decor including fresh flowers.Homemade meals & desserts are delicious, filing, and always served with down-home friendliness.
And the ‘price is right!‘” – Sheila Fling (August 3, 2014)